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Funeral Service mergers and acquisition specialists.

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Discover the insights gained from our 8-point Valuation System

Funeral Service mergers & acquisition specialists

Learn How We make Sales Easier...

Your 8-Key Valuation Points, combined with our experience, provides a transparent turn-key experience that breeds confidence in both YOU and YOUR buyer.

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Our proprietary 8-Point Valuation System, combined with a rare level of transparency, gives you the confidence you deserve when working to determine the true value of your funeral home.  This process produces a turn-key solution when it comes to selling your funeral home.  We don’t just click our heals and then keep you in the dark about how we arrived at your valuation. Our team of experts is diverse in their points of expertise, providing you with the analysis you need in EVERY aspect of your funeral business.

In addition, we will see this process all the way through with you until the deal is done.

...An important message from our founder, John G Wetherill

Our funeral home sales process is backed by the industry experts you find on our board of directors here at Standard.

Here’s a breakdown of what makes us unique and why you should consider working with us:

1. Unmatched Expertise: Our 5-member board of directors has extensive knowledge and experience in the funeral home industry, ensuring that your business is accurately valued and that the sales process is smooth and efficient.

2. Comprehensive Knowledge: Each board member specializes in different aspects of the funeral home sales process, from valuation to negotiation, ensuring that every aspect of the sale is handled with care and precision.

3. Transparency: We believe in providing both buyers and sellers with a clear understanding of every step in the transaction. Our commitment to transparency ensures that you are well-informed and confident in the decisions you make throughout the process.

4. Personalized Service: We understand that selling a funeral home is a deeply personal and emotional decision. That’s why we work closely with you to understand your unique needs and goals, tailoring our approach to best serve you.

5. Ongoing Support: Our relationship doesn’t end with the completion of the sale. We continue to provide support and guidance even after the transaction is finalized, ensuring a smooth transition for all parties involved.

Our unique combination of industry expertise, comprehensive knowledge, transparency, personalized service, and ongoing support sets us apart from competitors and makes Standard the ideal partner for your funeral home sale.

Funeral home owners often ask what makes us unique and why they should consider working with us

Our 5-member board of directors possesses a level of expertise that is unmatched.  Just ask board member Evan Thayer how one 30-second conversation can change everything.

Each board member here has a unique knowledge and experience in all of the vital aspects of the sale of your funeral home.  This is important, because there are a myriad of ways that our competitors often undervalue your business.


Too often, both funeral home buyers and sellers are not provided the level of detail they deserve inside this complex and often very personal transaction.  That’s why we work right alongside with you until each deal is completed & why we work so hard to ensure your confidence in us and in the results and details that you deserve.

Here is a concise list of our philosophies:

  • We truly appreciate the opportunity to learn about you and your unique business.  We can’t wait to dive into the details with you so that we can truly understand your business and find you the best buyer-match possible.
  • If you ask other companies what their method is, it’s almost like they click their heels a couple of times and that’s it.
  • For us, all the variables are important.  We gather all the details.  Every situation is unique, and we treat you that way.
  • We have created 15 to 18 proprietary metrics that combine to produce the total value of your funeral home.
  • We want to get a true understanding of your whole organization.
  • We are always happy to reveal the success fee.
  • When you work with us, there are no secrets.

One other very important factor we’ve discovered is that unless we are directly involved with you and the buyer all the way through, the sale often falls apart for a myriad of reasons.  That’s why we want all the details and that’s why we will work closely with you until the deal is done.  Three months is our timeline. When it drags on past that, funeral home sales just don’t happen.

Commercial real estate appraisals, for example, are just one good example of how a few key factors can halt the progress of a deal.  We will ensure that nothing takes you by surprise and that nothing holds up the process.

Are you a potential funeral home buyer looking for an opportunity to expand your business?

If so, we encourage you to join our Premier Buyer’s Network.

We hope to hear from you soon…

-John G Wetherill


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