How to follow-up with families like a pro

by Peggy Jansen | 30-year pre-need sales expert - Life Celebrations by Givnish

The careful and thoughtful process of selling more pre-need funeral services to your families

The success of your pre-need program starts with your at-need funeral services.  From the moment you begin your work with families, there is a thoughtful approach to aftercare and follow-up that is essential. 

For this to work, you must provide an impeccable at-need experience that is unmatched and unique and that gives fammilies confidence in your services.  Once established, this can then be combined with a strategic series of aftercare follow-up that will ultimately have families asking you how to set-up their pre-need instead of the other way around.

In this short interview

Peggy Jansen from Life Celebrations by Givnish, a 30-year pre-need veteran reveals their secret for following-up with families and starting the pre-need conversation. Often, having family members ask them how they sign-up instead of the other way around.

Click here if you would like to learn more about the family packet mentioned during this interview; and discover how that idea (or a similar strategy that is unique to you and your funeral home) can be put in place inside your business with the same result.

-Mr Preneed

PS Click here for the full interview with Peggy where she reveals their expert system of follow-up that most often leads to families asking them for pre-need instead of the ohter way around.