With hundreds and hundres of pre-need funeral service products on the market today, how can you be sure you’re offering the right ones for your families?

With hundreds and hundres of pre-need funeral service products on the market today, how can you be sure you’re offering the right ones for your families?

As the pre-need funeral industry continues to grow, it is important for funeral homes to ensure they are offering the right products to their clients. With so many options available, it can be difficult to know what products are best for your funeral home. Here are a few things to consider when choosing pre-need funeral products:

  1. What is your target market?
  2. What needs does your target market have?
  3. What products will best meet those needs?

By taking the time to consider these questions, you can be sure that you are offering the right pre-need funeral products for your clients. Advanced planning is a critical part of ensuring that families have the resources they need to plan a meaningful and memorable funeral service. By offering the right products, you can help make the planning process easier and less stressful for families.

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Full Transcript:

voice of Josh Rae, Exec Vice President for Golden Considerations
There’s a lot of carriers, let’s just put it that way. And each carrier probably has 10 to 20 products within their portfolio. So what are the chances that you’re on the right product? If there’s hundreds out there, you know, what are the chances that you actually have the product that best fits the needs of your individual business? And the chances that are are, are n . There’s basically no chance because at best you’ve probably talked to your rep from one specific carrier, right? And that carrier came in and opened his briefcase and said, We have these 10 to 20 products that cover all these range of options. Well, yes but no, because there’s still 10 other carriers with 20 products of their own. When you actually determine what is the best strategy for your firm, you really need to take a look across the entire industry. And very few people give you a glimpse at that, but that’s exactly what our business is designed to do. We make sure that you’re with the right carrier and then with the right product within that carrier’s portfolio.